Saving window positions per monitor config

Joshua J. Kugler joshua at
Mon Feb 7 23:54:43 GMT 2022

On Monday, February 7, 2022 1:29:48 PM AKST Vlad Zahorodnii wrote:
> As far as I know, plasma provides no such a feature. Implementing it can
> be tricky because how should the window manager know when a window must
> be moved to another monitor so it doesn't interfere with the user (the
> ultimate source of the truth)?

So, what I'm looking for is restoring position. There are certain windows that 
are always open on my system: Skype, Slack, Messenger, Konversation, as well 
as a couple "long lived" Chrome windows. When at home, I have two monitors 
plugged in. When on the road, obviously just one monitor.

So, it would track the location of the window for the current profile (e.g. 
3_mon) and would save that. Then, when I unplugged the external monitors, it 
would load up the last saved positions for 1_mon and for all the windows that 
are still around, it would put them where it last saw them in the 1_mon 
profile. When I plugged my monitors back in, for all the windows that it can 
find from the 3_mon profile, it would put them back where it last saw them when 
3_mon was in use.

Does that make sense?

I'm sure it wouldn't be perfect, but it should put most the windows back in 
the correct locations.


Joshua J. Kugler -- Fairbanks, AK
Blogs: (Family) -- (Geek)
Philippians 2:9-11

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