Compile error with latest master

Martin Flöser mgraesslin at
Wed Apr 27 09:47:47 BST 2022

Am Dienstag, 26. April 2022, 23:52:01 CEST schrieb David Edmundson:
> >ther the development
> >
> > process currently makes it difficult to contribute. I'm seeing this now
> > from a quite different perspective as when I had more time for KWin.
> It has always been a trade-off.

It certainly is. With my previous hat I saw this different. That's also why I 
shared this experience. 

> Having it so one writes code in ECM and it doesn't get properly tested
> in real use by developers till frameworks releases also sucks. I think
> this has been a particularly turbulent week for kwin, which isn't
> typical.

Yes it was a busy week, but I disagree on not being typical. As I wrote I hit 
such issues every time I want to update to latest master over the last half 

> I'm surprised the Neon experience hasn't really worked out for Neon's
> main goal. I think that's the real issue and not really a kwin
> specific one.

Part of the issue. It certainly would help for me, but not for anybody else 
trying to contribute without hunting down the latest framework dependencies.

It's just some food for thought whether it really is always necessary to 
depend on unreleased frameworks, especially now that the KWayland dependency 
is gone. As an example I would take 3324400672948d9d375ebbb25bbfbc133e159764 
which was pushed a day after the upstream change. Even with Neon working 
properly it is a disruptive change for setups. Here a wait for the next 
frameworks release might have been reasonable given that the merge request was 
in review for 2 weeks anyway.

> > If I would try to track everything using kdesrc-build I would even have
> > less time for hacking
> I'm not sure how true that is. There's a massive up-front setup cost,
> but once that's done, it doesn't take much hand holding.

It takes time to compile. Yesterday evening just compiling the clean KWin 
build was for me about an hour of compiling (yes, I do not have a ten core 
system ;-) ). If I need to run complete kdesrc-build it is even more time 
compiling and less time hacking.


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