Dynamic tiling features for kwin

Mikhail Zolotukhin mail at genda.life
Wed Sep 1 11:38:45 BST 2021

You have to use KWin Script for that. For example Krohnkite.

However, Krohnkite is not maintained for a year as far as I know, to I decided to create a fork, that is focused on being more user-friendly and more developer-friendly by providing developer documentation, unit-tests, CI/CD pipelines and being maintained not just by one person in the future. But please note, that I just started to work on it just a couple of days ago and my time is limited, the current state of the fork is "It does not work, but heavy in development".

I would like if you can land a developer's hand. If you are interested, you can of course contribute and ask questions on GitHub. Also, please note, that it is not an official KDE project, but I really want it to be in the future if it succeeds.

‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
On Tuesday, August 31st, 2021 at 23:23, Stoica Liviu <stoica.liviu97 at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Hi,

> I have been using plasma for a while now and I am very pleased with the experience so far. But I am struggeling with window management...

> I was wondering if i could make kwin tile windows like any other dynamic window manager.

> My question being, are there any efforts in this direction?

> If so, can I land a hand?

> If not, can I start it? Or is dynamic tiling something that is not needed/wanted for kwin?

> Thank you for your time.

> Best Regards,

> Liviu Stoica
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