D29486: xdgshellclient: Allow menus from panels to take focus

Carson Black noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Wed May 6 19:23:29 BST 2020

cblack added a comment.

  In D29486#665078 <https://phabricator.kde.org/D29486#665078>, @davidedmundson wrote:
  > Can you expand on why it's broken currently?
  Not sure if you're asking "why" on a "why is this an issue" or "why is this happening in the first place" so I'll answer both.
  Why old behaviour is an issue:
  - Normally, menus allow you to interact with them via the keyboard. Menus with panels as a transient parent don't allow you to do this, and the patch fixes that lack of expected behaviour.
  Why this happens in the first place:
  - Normally, QMenus don't grab keyboard focus themselves, and instead the parent window takes keyboard events and uses it to update the state of the QMenu. Since the Plasmashell panel cannot normally grab keyboard focus, they're unable to use keyboard events to update the state of the QMenu. Fortunately, the QMenu responds fine if you send the keyboard events directly to it, so that's what this patch causes KWin to do.

  R108 KWin


To: cblack, #kwin
Cc: davidedmundson, kwin, Orage, cacarry, LeGast00n, The-Feren-OS-Dev, cblack, jraleigh, zachus, fbampaloukas, mkulinski, ragreen, jackyalcine, iodelay, crozbo, bwowk, ZrenBot, ngraham, alexeymin, himcesjf, lesliezhai, ali-mohamed, hardening, romangg, jensreuterberg, abetts, sebas, apol, ahiemstra, mart
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