KTechLab and KDE Gear

Zoltan Padrah zoltan.padrah at gmail.com
Thu Mar 30 08:28:53 BST 2023


just FYI, there is a discussion on bugzilla about including KTechLab
in KDE Gear.


I think it is a good idea, however, I assume that there are some
things to fix before getting there.


What I have found on the wiki:


" See Policies/Application_Lifecycle for what gets released where.  "


- based on this, KTechLab currently is in playground
- to get into KDE Gear, it should go through kdereview
  - after kdereview, Ask release-team for inclusion --

So, as I see, to get into KDE Gear, the following should be done:
1. prepare for kdereview
  1.1 see a checklist here: https://community.kde.org/ReleasingSoftware
  1.2 also see open bugs on bugzilla...
2. go through kdereview
  2.1 fix anything signaled there
3. apply for inclusion in KDE Gear


Best regards,


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