KTechLab 0.50.0 released

Zoltan Padrah zoltan.padrah at gmail.com
Wed Oct 7 10:13:56 BST 2020

The release is "final" in the sense that I offer support for it and it is
not intended to be a pre-beta/release candidate/... .

In the KDE Application Lifecycle [1], I'm not sure if KTechLab has passed a
formal "kdereview" stage or not. There have been many fixes, but I assume
that currently the project doesn't pass all the items in the release Sanity
Checklist [2]. It should not be far, though.



Since when I have joined KTechLab, it has been in a perpetual "beta" stage.

I guess it's time to put together a todo list for a stable release for
KTechLab ( will keep that discussion off from kde-announce-apps mailing
list ).

Best regards,


Jonathan Riddell <jr at jriddell.org> ezt írta (időpont: 2020. okt. 1., Cs,

> What's the status of this release?  It's in unstable so presumably not
> final and maybe pre-beta?
> Jonathan
> On Sun, 20 Sep 2020 at 22:40, Zoltan Padrah <zoltan.padrah at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm happy to announce that KTechLab 0.50.0 is available. This is the
>> first release which supports KF5/Qt5.
>> KTechLab is an IDE for microcontrollers and electronics.
>> Taball is here:
>> https://download.kde.org/unstable/ktechlab/ktechlab-0.50.0.tar.xz.mirrorlist
>> I have also announced tihs release on my blog:
>> https://zoltanp.github.io/2020/09/ktechlab-0-50-0.html
>> Best regards,
>>  Zoltan
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