Pushed master-kde4 to git, wip-kf5-try1 should be good enough for the next master

Zoltan Padrah zoltan.padrah at gmail.com
Sat Jun 8 18:39:20 BST 2019

Hi all,

I'm starting to prepare the switch of the KDE4 and KF5 branches on git. For
this, I've pushed a new branch, master-kde4, where the current latest
release can have bug-fixes (if really needed). I've merged some
contributions from people into wip-kf5-try1 branch, and that branch has
several issues, but at least it is running.
My plan is to cross-check with other KDE people -- about translations
especially -- and if it's ok then merge wip-kf5-try1 into master and
continue development on the master branch.

Any feedback is welcome.

Have fun,

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