[Ktechlab-devel] 8051 Support

Alan Grimes ALONZOTG at verizon.net
Sat Nov 29 08:21:00 UTC 2014

Ktechlab is 99.9% dead. =(

8051/2 support does sound interesting. If you really want to do it, take
a look at how the RAM and the JK flip flops are done. I am not much of a
microcontroller guy myself so maybe the PIC code could be usable too, I

It also depends on whether you want to shunt code over to an emulator or
whether you want to actually simulate the device...

Julio Angulo wrote:
> Hi guys I'm finishing my bachelor degree in electronics.
> I'd like to start to help to add 8051 support
> I still have just basic c++ knowledge but what better way to
> improve my skills and learn c++ that help this interesting project
> -- 
> --> Julio 

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