[Ktechlab-devel] More on Document / Simulator interface

Julian Bäume julian at svg4all.de
Sun Jan 3 02:48:39 UTC 2010

On Sunday 03 January 2010 02:56:42 P Zoltan wrote:
>   Also there is a new version of the flowcode document UML class diagram;
> so QGraphicsItems _can_ have children. More testing is needed...
That looks more promising to me, now :) Another thing I'd like to mention in 
this context is the coordinate-system of QGraphicsView. QGraphicsItems 
children "see the world" relative to it's parents. So, if there is a child at 
position QPointF(10.0, 10.0), it's "inside" the Item. (If it is large enough). 
For a QGraphicsItem QPointF(0.0, 0.0) is the upper left corner of the Item. 
One can easily map between View-coordinates, Scene-coordinates and Item-
coordinates. (see Qt documentation).

If you write the Document to disk, everything should be stored in scene-
coordinates, to be consistent with the recent implementation. (It even makes 
more sense to me, to do so.)

bye then
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