[Ktechlab-devel] oops. =(

Alan Grimes agrimes at speakeasy.net
Mon Oct 19 01:47:47 UTC 2009

I might have been a bit overzealous with converting things to STL
container classes.

On the upside, it's a wonderful way to manage memory for things. On the
down side, the container classes love to re-organize their internal data
stores at will. If we simply do something with a pointer to one of those
elements, we'll be okay. However, if we try to store one of those
pointers in another structure, we could be in for a whole pile of Hurt. =(

There are some techniques that can help discourage certain STL classes
from re-organizing themselves too much. It would be good to have some
Real Experts(tm) chime in on how best to abuse C++ to solve the problems
the code tries to solve.

I ph34r I've introduced a whole pile of bugs of this kind over the last
week. I just spent the whole day, successfully, debugging the
matrixDisplay bug I mentioned earlier.

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