[Ktechlab-devel] potentiometer not working (rev 459)

santiago gonzalez santigoro at gmail.com
Thu Oct 1 14:58:01 UTC 2009

Ok... looks that the problem is not only in potentiometer, with fixed
resistors i have the same problem.

In rev 419 the problem is not present, in rev 421 the problem appear, then
here is the stuff.

2009/10/1 Alan Grimes <agrimes at speakeasy.net>

> Just the subject line was all I needed. Thanks.
> I've not laid a finger on the analog code in weeks. I did take a 2x4 to
> the UI code but not the underlying simulator (that side of it, at
> least). This appears to be a simulator bug though. I have no idea what
> the hell could be going on here.
> Oh jeez, the potentiometer code (ECPotentiometer::dataChanged() ) is not
> getting called. =(
> The closest thing to a workaround is to add something to the circuit and
> then delete it, this forces the system to re-build the circuit from
> scratch which forces a call to dataChanged()....
> It's 3:20 AM right now so I can't put any more time into this, maybe
> Zoltan the magnificent can figure out what the hell I did wrong... =P
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