[Ktechlab-devel] A random thought that made me smile (and another point in favour of GUI separation)

Matthew Ayres solar.granulation at gmail.com
Tue Nov 17 10:07:30 UTC 2009

>> It looks as though Julian is already working on the SVGs so I guess
>> I'd risk duplicating work?
> Nope. I just created some examples for testing purposes to start with the
> logic behind these SVGs and visualise them in a QGraphicsScene.

Okay, so shall I do both graphics and code customisation?
We'll still need to discuss what tags will be needed.  At the simplest
level we'll need to mark some points as positive and negative, or
reversible.  But that would quickly become inadequate, no?

>> My understanding is that the box symbol is the international standard.
>>  It's certainly what every textbook I've had has used ;)  However, it
>> might be worth having a little function in the GUI to switch between
>> the two systems, especially if there are more differences.
> The box is the DIN-symbol. As I said before, I want to have something like
> themes, to satisfy everybody ;)

Gotcha.  I'd be happy to separate the graphics out into various libraries.

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