[Ktechlab-devel] KTL with gcbasic

Slavko slavino at slavino.sk
Thu Nov 5 14:42:22 UTC 2009

Dňa Thu, 05 Nov 2009 08:51:47 -0500 Alan Grimes <agrimes at speakeasy.net> napísal:

> >> Great, Could you be the liazon to this project? I would certainly like
> >> to mainline those changes ***AFTER***(not during) the KDE4 port. =)
> > maybe yes, but i do not understand how it is "liazon" ;-)
> > my english is simple and poor...
> Someone like a diplomat, a "go between". I, personally, don't much care
> about the Pic sub-section of the code. This does sound like a great
> enhancement, and I would like someone who is interested in the Pic code
> to help with it.

oh yes, no problem. :-)

I am not a programmer, and no autor this enhancement too. But i am interested about pic simulation and then i can do some function tests with flowcode and asm code (nothing about C).

About KDE4 porting, mentioned before, IMHO it is good idea to make function changes after porting code.

s pozdravom


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