[Ktechlab-devel] website

P Zoltan zoltan.padrah at gmail.com
Tue May 26 21:12:22 UTC 2009

  My opinion on these:

On Mon, 25 May 2009 21:13:01 +0200, Lawrence Shafer <detroit371 at gmail.com>  

> Niels Egberts wrote:
> Hi,
> The new website is way better than what ktechlab had but I think there  
> is room
> for some improvement :-).
> The site runs on Joomla at the present. I have moded quite heavily a  
> template to
> make it look like it does not ;)
> - create an svn for the site?
> I don't quite understand, maybe just useful for a hand coded site?  
> Sounds cool
> though.

  I don's see the point here. Sourceforge's SVN hosting is quite good.

> - run a wiki (is the database of the old one still available somewhere?  
> we can
> start from there)

  But the wiki should be editable only for registered users, otherwise  
we'll have the problem of vandalism, as for the old one.

> Yes, I have the DB from the old wiki, don't know why I have not set that  
> up yet.
> I need some more pokes...
> - create a forum (should also be easy enough)
> Forum is already there. If you look at the left panel you will see a  
> link to
> http://forums.ktechlab.org/

  RSS for the forum would be nice. Maybe even Alan would use the forum then  

> - link the 'home' button to: http://ktechlab.org/index.php
> Yes, that's a tough one, joomla makes a problem here, and i have not dug  
> far
> enough into it to understand how the home link works.
> - improve the downloads section (I'm working on .deb's for ubuntu)
> I believe I have a downloads module chosen, so just need another poke  
> there ;)
> - have some more cool screenshots
> - circuit library upload tool
> There is an upload module installed, and it should allow you to upload  
> if you
> are logged in.
> - component libraries?
> - overvieuw is covered by features so I think it is not needed
> Good thinking
> - and what do we want to do with the developer central? I think it can  
> be really
> cool to attract new dev's
> What I was thinking was a seperate site with dev blogs, maybe a "get to  
> know me"
> page for the main devs, and just a good overview of what the code does,  
> how, and
> why, because a lot of ppl that are good electronic whiz don't know C++  
> all that
> well, and to just be surrounded with snipets and explanations would be a  
> really
> cool way to give them a jump start.

  Also it would be useful:

- bug / feature request tracker: link to the sourceforge:  
http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=143459 ?

> - make all the pages xhtml-valid
> I'm very familiar with xhtml and php and I would like to help with the  
> website.
> So if anyone could bring me to the source and/or upload facilities that  
> would be
> cool.
> Email me with your login name and I'll make you an admin.
> Niels

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