[Ktechlab-devel] Working build

Link link at penguindevelopment.org
Tue May 12 06:48:08 UTC 2009

On 12/05/09 07:12, Alan Grimes wrote:
> Judging by the sourceforge statistics, we actually have a sizable user
> base!!! (EEEK!!!)
I'm not surprised. KTechLab is awesome! It's the *only* visual real-time 
circuit simulator for Linux I know of. Just being able to see what 
happens by hovering the mouse over a node or wire makes for much better 
rapid design than, say, Qucs or SPICE. Once KTL's bugs have been 
squashed and some more components and features are added (I'll post a 
wishlist if you want, but I probably won't be coding anything myself :), 
it will definitely be my favourite circuit simulator*!

*Right now I don't really have a favourite. I use KTL for quick design 
ideas and toying around and Qucs for actual closer-to-implementation 
design and its simulation. Unfortunately I find both KTL and Qucs to be 
lacking on some fronts, usually leaving me in a "breadboard-and-pray" 
state when I really want to build it - <rant>which sucks, because I'm 
pretty much limited to Conrad as a component supplier, and they're not 
cheap and have a €20 order minimum for free shipping, which is otherwise 
€6.50 - which sucks even harder because I'm poor.</rant><blush />

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