[Ktechlab-devel] Buggy circuit for diagnostics

Link link at penguindevelopment.org
Sat May 2 08:31:14 UTC 2009

Please find attached a circuit to debug. This circuit is a 
voltage-controlled voltage source/voltage follower intended to source 
and sink more current than the op-amp allows (in real-life). The voltage 
across and current through the load work fine, however, the current and 
voltage between the op-amp output and the transistor bases is extremely 
buggy. The op-amp output is extremely erratic; sometimes it oscillates 
between -500 and +500V and -50/+50A, and at other times it works almost 
as expected but bumps into the gigavolt range at the sine peaks.

All I can say is "happy bughunting". :)
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