[Ktechlab-devel] Porting to Qt 4 --> I'd like to help

P Zoltan zoltan.padrah at gmail.com
Mon Feb 9 15:35:48 UTC 2009

On Sun, 08 Feb 2009 22:11:41 +0100, Julian Bäume <julian at svg4all.de> wrote:

>> The idea of integrating it with kdevelop to a greater extent is
>> interesting and has a great deal of potential... (wonder if you could
>> flowpart a C program or something. =P)
> It won't integrate directly into kdevelop, just use some of their
> infrastructure. But basically your right, of course.

  Does this mean that besides kdelibs, kdevelop will also be a dependency  
of ktechlab? That won't make non-kde users happy.

>> But it is good dicipline to keep to the smallest number of incremental
>> changes at a time, even if the intermediate results aren't optimal.
> True, but hard to manage if each change you need to do is a quite large  
> step
> in the project.

  Base on what I've seen in the code, I prefer a rewrite. (an the KDE guy  
also did the same :)) ). But first, we need a _design_, instead of  
starting coding directly.

>> Right now the tree is frozen for release. I'm not sure what the best
>> practices are with SVN, but I hope the SVN administrator will create a
>> 0.4 fork as soon as possible so that the multitude of efforts at the 4.x
>> port can be integrated and testing can begin.
> There already is a branch in SVN containing the next stable release. I
> manually backported all bug-fixes from trunk. If this branch is  
> considered
> stable, we can tag it as released and create packages from that copy.  
> Trunk
> could be opened for development again. I don't see anything against  
> doing so.
> If there is the need to create bug-fixes for the new stable release, we  
> could
> easily provide fixes and release another bug-fix release in the 0.3.x  
> series.

  Since the release-candidate version is branched separately, we could mess  
up the trunk, right? :D

  My opinion is that we should start a new "trunk" for the kde4 port from  
zero, and when it reaches the level of functionalty of the 0.3 versions,  
that should become the new trunk version.

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