[Ktechlab-devel] C++ isms...

Alan Grimes agrimes at speakeasy.net
Tue Sep 23 22:09:13 UTC 2008

First off, THANX, ZOLTAN!!!

I've been spending far too much time I don't really have on this today...

I did some messing around where I made the ECConnector and FPConnector 
classes that I was mumbling about the past few days to see what would 
happen, and I found that an issue arose where ICN document has a member 
which refers to Connector. This, by itself, is just peachy..

Then it gets inherited by circuitICNdocument (which should use 
ECConnector), and FlowICNDocument...

I'm not sure what A C++ programmer is supposed to do with that, overload 
the member and the constructors?

Then I was looking at the compiler barf for:

bool CircuitICNDocument::joinConnectors( ECNode *node )

Its first line is:

	// We don't want to destroy the node if it has a parent
	if ( node->parentItem() ) return false;

This is basically asking: "If this is a pin node, then we shouldn't mess 
with it".

Which points out that JunctionFlowNodes and Junction Nodes shouldn't 
have parents, while pins, and input/output nodes should...

I greatly respect the amount of work that has been put into the 
node-refactoring that I'd asked for. I'd really like some insight about 
how to address this design  decision.

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