[Ktechlab-devel] simulator

Alan Grimes agrimes at speakeasy.net
Sun Nov 9 18:13:16 UTC 2008

> dlopen is not an arcane function from an arcane library. It's part of
> the gnu libc and is conforming to POSIX (like the man says).

notice that it's part of the POSIX 2001 revision....

It turns out that I gave up in disgust looking for a dynamic loading
feature before 2001. =\

ouch my foot hurts.

I went into my other room, pulled out my copy of Advanced Unix
Programming (2004), which makes no reference to any such DL* function in
its index.

in my fury, I slammed the piece of shit book on the floor, and stomped
on it, the flat part of my foot came down on the spine so that's why it
hurts. =(

Marc J. Rochkind deserves to die, the fraudulant fuckface is a coniving
sack of shit for hiding crucial information. When I make paranoid
accusations about a vast conspiracy to hide any and all useful
information about compilers and linkers from the general public, it is
people like this Rochkind person that I have in mind.

Also slammed to the floor and stomped upon was my copy of "The Posix.1
Standard: A programmer's guide"... This book, however, can be forgiven
because it was printed in 1991... I didn't realize how obsolete it had

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