[Ktechlab-devel] The thoughts of a quiet observer

Mauricio Giovagnini maugiovagnini at yahoo.com.ar
Fri May 23 13:00:49 UTC 2008

Lawrence Shafer escribió:
> I am a network admin. I own OrbWireless.net, and host some 70 websites. 
> I admin 3 of them, and have extensive experience with Joomla, PHP, Perl, 
> Java and MediaWiki. I have servers at my own mini-datacenter in my town 
> office, as well as several at a full fledged datacenter in Dallas, TX.

Yes, I read your previous post regarding this matter.  It 
will be nice to have such experienced admin among us.

> I would personally like to see the website run Joomla 1.5. and I think 
> we should keep the wiki on MediaWiki. That would make for some very easy 
> administration and user-management. I was a little afraid to mention 
> Joomla, but since you broke the ice, I'll go ahead. Here's one site I 
> experimented with in Joomla, http://orbwireless.shaferlabs.com/. I 
> decided not to use joomla on my production site, but I think it is a 
> perfect solution to the KTechLab site.

Yes, joomla is nice and powerful.  With mane new plugins and 
enhancements each day.. and its OpenSource as Ktechlab is.

The only drawback I found its that the forums I've seen 
under joomla are not as powerful as SMF.  At least that's my 
humble opinion as a user of many forums being ran by 
differents underlying softwares.

> Just my 2c worth
> Lawrence

Your effort could be rewarded in the future!
May be you could benefit in the future when Ktechlab becomes 
an even bigger and famous project!  Then you could say that 
your Company is hosting the powerful and famous Ktechlab! :) 
:) :)

Mauricio Giovagnini (Maunix)
Cordoba, Arg.
LinkedIn Profile: http://www.linkedin.com/in/mgiovagnini

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