[Ktechlab-devel] KTechLab Project Shutdown

Mariano MARINI mariano.marini at gmail.com
Wed May 21 07:49:13 UTC 2008

Il Wednesday 21 May 2008 04:54:59 Jason Lucas ha scritto:
> On a personal note, I've found that on the verge of my 40th birthday, my
> wide ranging and extensive experience in IT is no longer valued, (try
> getting a job interview for an IT job at my age & you'll understand).
> So I'm now forced to re-skill, and to try my hand at another career.
> I've chosen Horticulture and Garden Design, It's a difficult change, but
> It least I'm spending much more time out in the open air & enjoying the
> outside life more than I ever done before.
The same happen to me at 58! Now I work for an Icecream industry as an 
employee. That's life!

> I'd like to thank those that have offered to donate money to the
> project, however we really need coders, not money. (Unless anyone offers
> to pay our coders;)
I can help with coding, but I'm pretty new in this field (I mean EDA software 
not C/C++ coding) so, first of all, I need help on understand how it works!
This will spared a lot of time to learn it by my self reading the code.

P.S.: (Post Scriptum). No one replied to my question: How can I have my 
ktechlab in Italian?

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