[Ktechlab-devel] Assembly programming.

S,adi Çag(atay Öztürk scolinks at gmail.com
Mon Dec 8 19:30:56 UTC 2008


You can not just jump and write the assembly code. You first have to 
define the PIC model you are going to use and the properties you wish to 
use and not to.

Here you can find a .tar.gz archive which has a gpasm example in it. Try 
that one and change it accordingly.



I hope this helps.

Best Regards,


Bryan wrote On 08-12-2008 21:13:
> I am trying to learn Assembly as part of my knowledge of digital 
> circuits. I have a 500 project breadboard kit of which one part has many 
> programs written in assembly. I would like to simulate some of them in 
> ktechlab instead of tedious breadboarding, but they fail to compile. 
> What am I doing wrong? The program which should just increment value by 
> ADD instruction is below along with the error. A
> MOV A,#00H
> TM2 #01H
> ADD A,#01H
> JMP L01#
> ...............

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