[Ktechlab-devel] Hello I am new

Axel Jäger axel.jaeger at basyskom.de
Mon Dec 8 15:47:36 UTC 2008

I found ktechlab a week ago in the opensuse education repository.  
Unfortunately I just started with AVR µCs instead of PICs. The project  
seemed some kind of dead to me because the about dialog mentioned a  
date in 2006.

So my question is: How "not dead" is the project? How many people are  
you? I saw some recent changes to the wiki, subscribed today to the  
mailing list and was surprised to see mails about how to organize the  
structure of such a project.

I'm very interested in the product. I study electrical engineering  
Darmstadt/Germany but do a lot of Qt-coding, mostly graphics stuff:  
Styles, Custom Widgets and ATM I get into the graphics view by  
developing a small SPICE-Editor.

I'm willing to help if needed in such graphics things and maybe in the  
finite state machine part. I was thinking about doing finite state  
machines with Atmels for a long time. I had a working FSM-Editor done  
with cocoa two years ago or so but it was basic (Only a spread sheet  
view of transition and states, no graphical editor).

For implementation of FSM in a microcontroller, I was thinking that  
one only needs to find how many bits are needed to encode the states  
based on the number of states, then have the transition table and  
lookup the next state based on the current state and input (in case of  
a mealy machine). If this level is acceptable, I would like to join.

Best regards,
Axel Jäger

Axel Jäger

basysKom GmbH
Robert-Bosch-Str. 7 | 64293 Darmstadt | Germany
axel.jaeger at basyskom.de | www.basyskom.de

Handelsregister: Darmstadt HRB 9352
Geschaeftsfuehrung: Eva Brucherseifer

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