[Ktechlab-devel] more circuits/ phase angle

Alan Grimes agrimes at speakeasy.net
Sun Aug 24 15:42:11 UTC 2008

I've been playing with transimpedence amplifiers again.

The starting place this time is this module:

The first circuit comes from the DAC datasheet.

The second one is my attempt at a discreet fully differential stage. (I 
think the 2k resistor on that one is wrong though I don't know what I 
should put there.)

The third is a discreet single-ended stage.

One problem I have with comparing the outputs of these circuits is that 
each of the signal sources has a different phase angle therefore it's 
impossible to line up the oscilloscope graphs exactly.

I had made a patch long long ago which cleaned up the function 
generators and allowed you to enter in a phase angle in multiples of PI 
(180 degrees = 1 pi). This worked well enough that I was able to 
simulate a 3-phase generator using three voltage signals... In the 
future pre-fab "Wye" and Delta generators should be added too.

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