[Ktechlab-devel] finally fetched the SVN. =P

Lawrence Shafer detroit371 at gmail.com
Thu Sep 13 03:53:46 UTC 2007

Alan, Mind if I put this on the wiki?

Alan Grimes wrote:
> Okay, here are my comments:
> damn this thing is slow... =\
> It seems to be making excessive X11 calls, xosview is showing lots of
> red... It even eats plenty of CPU while not simulating! =\
> The oscilloscope is more like a chart recorder... and should probably be
> renamed as such.
> You really should merge in my conversion of the probe data classes to
> STL... (my old fork before the SF project was established...)
> The variable resistor, while a distinct type of part, my father's stereo
> has one, is really equivalent to a regular pot with one of the leads
> shorted. =P
> Some of the new fonts are a little weird sometimes bigger, sometimes
> smaller...
> It would seem to make more sense to fix the engine next but people seem
> to be clammoring for more parts...
> The only parts that should be built in are the idealized components,
> everything else should be database driven. I think we should take the
> ODF zipfile/XML based file format as an example and make that our
> priority after fixing the most immediate bugs and performance issues.
> We also should be looking for refactorings to improve the organization
> of the class tree.
> really good book I just bought: Practical Electronics for Inventors.

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