[Ktechlab-devel] svn access + cleanup

Julan Bäume julian at svg4all.de
Sun Nov 11 00:27:08 UTC 2007

Am Samstag, 10. November 2007 23:50:56 schrieb Alan Grimes:
> > Alan, can you also check in your newest stuff into your branch? Then I
> > can have a look at your directory and help to wipe out that automake
> > stuff that really shouldn't be in svn.
> Okay, I'm going to do a build and test cycle this evening.
Well, since it's a branch, you are working in, it's no problem, if it doesn't 
compile, or isn't working. We can play around with your code, until it's 
ready to be merged with trunk.

> The issue is that I've never attempted to check anything into SVN. =\
I think, I got something wrong. I thought you got svn write access...

> I'm poking around in kdevelop to see how to do it...
It won't be easy to fix the problems we got with an IDE. My suggestion is to 
put your latest stuff into svn and fix it ASAP, so you can go on working on 
your branch. I can help you to clean things up, so you only have to check out 
via kdevelop again and go on working as you did before.

> Do I currently have a SVN account? What's the log-in inf0z?
You need an account on sourceforge.net and tell the project-admin to grant 
svn-write access to you.

If I clean up your directory, before your new stuff is checked in, you'll get 
into trouble when checking in your changes. I suggest to put your latest code 
into your branch and then clean it up. We can leave your branch as is, since 
we managed to get your code into svn. I'll help then.

svn is a good help if you check in your code regularly. You can check in small 
pieces of code you worked on, with a comment and we can have a look at it. If 
you did something wrong, no problem, it's very easy to revert patches. Large 
commits aren't good, because you have to write a quite long commit message to 
explain your patch... and believe me, you won't do it as good as you do for 
small patches ;)

Well, ok, I'll go to bed now and check and upload my work tomorrow morning.

bye then

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