[Ktechlab-devel] svn access + cleanup

Jason Lucas jason.lucas7 at ntlworld.com
Sat Nov 10 17:34:54 UTC 2007

On Sat, 2007-11-10 at 17:44 +0100, Julan Bäume wrote:
> Hi list,
> I almost finished my work for university now and am looking forward to start 
> working on ktechlab. Jason (or Chitlesh), could you please grant svn access 
> to me so I can start cleaning up the trunk (at least: make clean && make 
> distclean) because it's really annoying to clean this up at every new 
> checkout manually. I also noticed that my patch (I sent month ago) is still 
> not in the trunk, so I can add this, too.
> Thanks so far.
> Alan, can you also check in your newest stuff into your branch? Then I can 
> have a look at your directory and help to wipe out that automake stuff that 
> really shouldn't be in svn.
> bye then
> julian
> PS: do you need my sf.net username? It's jb-good

Hi Julan,

Sorry I haven't got round to adding the patch. However I'll add you as a
project developer and give you svn write access.


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