[Ktechlab-devel] buggabuggabugga.

Alan Grimes agrimes at speakeasy.net
Mon Jan 1 03:36:55 UTC 2007

I've been banging on that bug all day and I havn't bade much progress.
I've cleaned up a bunch of the calling conventions in class Component.
Instead of pushing pin pointers all over the place, now most things are
pass by reference.

I can load as many circuits as I like -- pretty much, and it will
simulate most of them reasonably well, it does complain of neumeric
errors but all of those are in the fractions... (it will simply ignore
the others...) but when I go to change anything, BOOM!

ktechlab: ERROR: Pin current loss, magnitude: 0.000705303
ktechlab: ERROR: Pin current loss, magnitude: 0.000645311
ktechlab: ERROR: Pin current loss, magnitude: 0.000373301
ktechlab: ERROR: Pin current loss, magnitude: 0.000195294
ktechlab: ERROR: currents don't sum, residual = 0.000141541
ktechlab: ERROR: currents don't sum, residual = 0.000260331

I can detect the error when I see an element with cnodecount = 0.

I have seen this in element resistance and element VoltageSignal.

I think the error is somewhere in the vicinity of class Circuit. It's
still being very elusive. =(



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