[Ktechlab-devel] back to ktechlab.

Alan Grimes agrimes at speakeasy.net
Wed Sep 20 04:58:51 UTC 2006

Cloning Ktechlab is proving to be too much for me. I don't have much of
a talent for designing software to use poorly documented libraries.

The main problem with the Ktechlab source is that it is porly factored
making it difficult to expand beyond its current capabilities. What is
needed is an effort to re-organize the existing functionality and
source-code tree in order to make the code more modular and more
maintainable. My current working version appears to have picked up more
than a few bugs. =( However, those *should* iron out. I still want a
program I can use to design things like switching power supplies and
amplifiers based on prehistoric circuits. ;)


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