[Ktechlab-devel] Context Help

David Saxton david at bluehaze.org
Tue Jan 24 16:46:56 UTC 2006

On Monday 23 January 2006 23:35, Thomas Winkel wrote:
> Am Montag 23 Januar 2006 19:31 schrieb David Saxton:
> > Nope, it can't be assumed. I've changed it so that the khtml browser uses
> > "/usr/share/apps/ktechlab/contexthelp/" (or wherever ktechlab is
> > installed) as its base url - so loading "opamp.png" should now work.
> fine, is it possible to make khtml use that directory, where the actual
> description is stored? This is just because user changes probably are
> stored in ~/contexthelp.
> Is "ktechlab-example://" already implemented? A "make install" don't
> install the examples yet, I'm right?
Yup, "ktechlab-example:///" is already implemented (remember, three slashes!). 
I've updated svn so that the examples they actually install.
> External links don't work for me. Maybe a "ktechlab-external" can open them
> in konqueror. Does someone know a nice unicode character to mark them? I
> thougt about something like Wikipedia uses:
> http://de.wikipedia.org/skins-1.5/monobook/external.png
> > Should now be possible. It does lead to the question though of how the
> > title text for such items should be entered and stored.
> What about something like:
> <!-- item: transferfunction "Übertragungsfunktion" -->
> When the user clicks on such a link, which has not been described so far,
> the "This help item does not yet exist..." message should appear, such that
> he can create it. Maybe such links can be marked red like in Wikipedia.
> Great would be an option to create a link of a keyword which needs further
> description in the editor.
> > As consistent as possible.
> This lead to the strange problem, that we need someone how can translate my
> writings to English. Maybe I can provide very short texts, such that at
> least the structure is identical. After the next release maybe someone like
> to perfect it. Is someone else working on further context help?
> Goodnight!
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