[Ktechlab-devel] Some brainstorming...

David Saxton david at bluehaze.org
Fri Jan 13 00:06:57 UTC 2006

On Thursday 12 January 2006 22:31, Thomas Winkel wrote:
> > That's an excellent idea. So I've implemented it in SVN trunk. Try it
> > out, and tell me what you think :)
> Wow, that's really cool!!!
> I was never interested in objectorientated and GUI programming, but when I
> see what powerfull things you can conjure up in such a short time...
That's the magic of Qt and C++ at work ;)

I'll see if tables can be implemented easily as well.

How I imagine the context help editor working is thus:

* All the strings from the items are extracted and placed in 
"context_help_de", etc, files (this can't be done until the latest translated 
strings are being used - so I don't want to generate the files yet if anyone 
is translating any context help.

* The context help by default users the file stored in the appdata location 
(e.g "/usr/share/apps/ktechlab/context_help*") - but this can be changed to 
point at a local working copy by a translator / documentator.

* When editing the context help, there could be a switch between editing the 
English version of the help and the native language version. This way, the 
descriptions can be kept reasonably in sync.

* It might be useful for people doing documentation to have a subversion 
account, so that the descriptions in different languages can be kept 
up-to-date with each other.

Comments, suggestions, etc are welcome :)

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