[Ktechlab-devel] progress?

deifo at ono.com deifo at ono.com
Sun Feb 26 16:48:41 UTC 2006

Hi David.
Have you pregressed with the bug I submited days ago?
It was that about the oscilloscope and the PIC signals.
If I can help in any way, just ask.

I don't know if it is related, but I noticed that my CPU is at 100% when
I run a simulation. This is true even with the window minimized. In fact
I noticed a great increase of CPU usage since 0.2.

And I still find new ways to crash KTechLab (see attached bt). It's strange.
Seems that I have the curious ability to find the most bizarre bugs in your

BTW, great program. I wish you'd put a Paypal donate button in the KTechLab
home page.

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