[Ktechlab-devel] instruction cycles

David Saxton david at bluehaze.org
Sat Feb 18 11:40:13 UTC 2006

On Saturday 18 February 2006 10:29, David Saxton wrote:
> There was a bug in the oscilloscope which meant it didn't show anything
> when zoomed in.
> After fixing that though, I tested your example programs, and they behave
> as they should (see oscilloscope outputs program1.png, program2.png for the
> first and second programs respectively).

Sorry, ignore that. There is indeed a bug in toggling PORTA,4 (which doesn't 
apply to any other pins).

RA4 state is only getting changed after e.g. the BCF instruction executes 
twice, so that what happens is looking like this:

BSF // goes high
BCF // stays high
BSF // stays high
BCF // goes low
BSF // stays low
BCF // stays low
(and back to the top).

I'll try and fix it.

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