[Ktechlab-devel] Interrupts in PICs

Rodolfo Zitellini xhero.gm at gmail.com
Tue Apr 11 13:16:39 UTC 2006

Hi All,
Interrups seemed not working in the pic simulator, so I made a little
patch for gpsimprocessor.cpp that enables them. It works fine for me
(tested it a lot using tmr0 overflow), hope it can be of help for
someone else too.


-- begin interrupts.patch ---

--- ktechlab.orig/src/electronics/gpsimprocessor.cpp    2006-04-11
15:00:49.000000000 +0200
+++ ktechlab/src/electronics/gpsimprocessor.cpp 2006-04-11
15:11:08.000000000 +0200
@@ -245,16 +245,23 @@

        unsigned long long beforeExecuteCount = get_cycles().get();

-       m_pPicProcessor->step_one(false); // Don't know what the false
is for; gpsim ignores its value anyway
-       // Some instructions take more than one cycle to execute, so
ignore next cycle if this was the case
-       if ( (get_cycles().get() - beforeExecuteCount) > 1 )
-               m_bCanExecuteNextCycle = false;
+       if(get_bp().have_interrupt())
+       {
+               m_pPicProcessor->interrupt();
+       }
+       else
+       {
+               m_pPicProcessor->step_one(false); // Don't know what
the false is for; gpsim ignores its value anyway
+               // Some instructions take more than one cycle to
execute, so ignore next cycle if this was the case
+               if ( (get_cycles().get() - beforeExecuteCount) > 1 )
+                       m_bCanExecuteNextCycle = false;
+       }


-       // Let's also update the values of RegisterInfo every 50 milliseconds
-       if ( (beforeExecuteCount % 20000) == 0 )
+       // Let's also update the values of RegisterInfo every 25 milliseconds
+       if ( (beforeExecuteCount % 10000) == 0 )

-- end interrupts.patch --

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