[Ktechlab-devel] problem - compiling with Mandriva

spock22 at wp.pl spock22 at wp.pl
Sat Oct 29 15:32:27 UTC 2005

if someone has got a problem compiling ktechlab in Mandriva, and 
is seeing something like:
/usr/lib/libreadline.so: undefined reference to `tgetnum'
/usr/lib/libreadline.so: undefined reference to `tgoto'
/usr/lib/libreadline.so: undefined reference to `tgetflag'
/usr/lib/libreadline.so: undefined reference to `BC'
/usr/lib/libreadline.so: undefined reference to `tputs'
/usr/lib/libreadline.so: undefined reference to `PC'
/usr/lib/libreadline.so: undefined reference to `tgetent'
/usr/lib/libreadline.so: undefined reference to `UP'
/usr/lib/libreadline.so: undefined reference to `tgetstr'

you have to find in ktechlab-0.2/src/Makefile 
a line 
LIB_GPSIM = -lreadline -lgpsim -lgpsim_eXdbm -lgpsimcli
and add before this -ltermcap, and you must have installed termcap ;-)
you should have something like this:
LIB_GPSIM = -ltermcap -lreadline -lgpsim -lgpsim_eXdbm -lgpsimcli

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