[Ktechlab-devel] Crash when selecting components

David Saxton david at bluehaze.org
Sun Aug 14 17:39:29 UTC 2005

Hi Fredy,

Looks good - now committed :)

I have slightly modified the files you sent me:

* Added copyright notice
* Fixed crash when decreasing number of inputs (replaced 
"removeElement(m_aLogic[i]);" with "removeElement(m_bLogic[i]);")
* Fixed bug when number of inputs < 3 (before, there was no padding on left 
side of IC when inputs < 3).
* Changed pin names shown from I0,I1,I2 and O0,O1,O2 to the I: A>B, etc names. 
(and updated component description to reflect this).

Also, in ktechlab source, I've adopted the coding convention of prefixing 
class member variables with "m_" to indicate they are member variables. So 
for example, cascadingInputs would be called m_cascadingInputs. I've left the 
names alone for now, but stick to the "m_" convention in future.

> And also I hope next week I can start to create some more new components.

I'm off travelling in a weeks time, and won't get back for another month; so 
unfortunately I can't commit anything during that period. But otherwise, I'm 
looking forward to more components :)

David Saxton

On Sunday 14 Aug 2005 17:31, Fredy Yanardi wrote:
> Hi David,
> Today I have created a magnitude comparator component, based on the
> truth table from my digital system circuit. I hope you can review it
> and comment about it. And also I hope next week I can start to create
> some more new components.
> Thanks and regards,
> Fredy Yanardi

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