Unable to download the Tycho 2 Star Catalog

Ömer Fadıl USTA omerusta at gmail.com
Sun Jan 5 05:18:53 GMT 2025


It seems that macOS systems might not accept the application/x-bzip MIME
type for bzip2 files, and they may be specifically checking for
application/x-bzip2. Additionally, application/x-bzip-compressed-tar might
need to be updated to include application/x-bzip2-compressed-tar while
still retaining the original application/x-bzip and
application/x-bzip-compressed-tar for backward compatibility.

Therefore, we may need to add two more lines to the following section:

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Best regards,

Ömer Fadıl Usta
PGP key : 0xfd11561976b1690b

Jasem Mutlaq <mutlaqja at ikarustech.com>, 5 Oca 2025 Paz, 07:40 tarihinde
şunu yazdı:

> Hello Ben,
> I took a look at the files and they are indeed valid and match the ones
> downloaded on Linux. I used bunzip2 on Mac and was able to verify the
> content just fine. So this is a KF5/KF6 framework issue on MacOS only that
> affects bz2 files for some reason. From our side, we don't mind compressing
> these using standard .tar.gz and then re-uploading them to the CDN.
> --
> Best Regards,
> Jasem Mutlaq
> On Sat, Jan 4, 2025 at 8:31 PM Ben Cooksley <bcooksley at kde.org> wrote:
>> On Sun, Jan 5, 2025 at 3:11 AM Jasem Mutlaq <mutlaqja at ikarustech.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hello Ben,
>> Hi Jasem,
>>> Sure, this is what I see in the logs:
>>> [2024-12-10T06:21:13.226 +03 CRIT ][              kf.newstuff.core] -
>>> Could not determine type of archive file '
>>> "/private/var/folders/gd/gv1tcqtj1rg8jjp35966_wx00000gn/T/pThSyQ-sky_images-1.4.tar.bz2"
>>> '
>>> [2024-12-10T06:21:52.918 +03 CRIT ][              kf.newstuff.core] -
>>> Could not determine type of archive file '
>>> "/private/var/folders/gd/gv1tcqtj1rg8jjp35966_wx00000gn/T/FRoZJN-tycho2_mag_12.5-1.1.tar.bz2"
>>> '
>>> [2024-12-13T09:37:25.230 +03 CRIT ][              kf.newstuff.core] -
>>> Could not determine type of archive file '
>>> "/private/var/folders/gd/gv1tcqtj1rg8jjp35966_wx00000gn/T/zEpHoe-thumbnails-1.3.tar.bz2"
>>> '
>>> So it's an issue with bz2 specifically? I support we can re-upload all
>>> as tar.gz
>> Is there anything available further up the log to indicate whether the
>> download was completed correctly?
>> I've had a quick look and the KArchive shipped with Craft is enabled with
>> libbz2 support so that shouldn't be the issue.
>> Don't suppose you can get a copy of the file in question to check to see
>> if it has downloaded incorrectly / partially / etc?
>>> --
>>> Best Regards,
>>> Jasem Mutlaq
>> Thanks,
>> Ben
>>> On Sat, Jan 4, 2025 at 11:03 AM Ben Cooksley <bcooksley at kde.org> wrote:
>>>> HI Jasem,
>>>> To start, given this is a MacOS specific issue, i'd like to ask if any
>>>> debug logs from the client side are available?
>>>> It would be helpful to know what exactly KStars is seeing that makes it
>>>> fail, as a file not found error could be as simple as KArchive being unable
>>>> to unpack an archive due to a helper not being available on MacOS, or it
>>>> could be the HTTPS libraries being particularly sensitive/delicate on
>>>> MacOS...
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Ben
>>>> On Sat, Jan 4, 2025 at 8:34 PM Jasem Mutlaq <mutlaqja at ikarustech.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> We have received numerous reports from users that on KStars for MacOS
>>>>> specifically, they cannot download packages from Get Hot New Stuff.
>>>>> I can confirm the issue from the MacOS side, but I'm not sure why this
>>>>> would only occur on MacOS? Any help tracking down the issue would be
>>>>> greatly appreciated.
>>>>> --
>>>>> Best Regards,
>>>>> Jasem Mutlaq
>>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ---------
>>>>> From: Steven Hutchings <kent_aerials at me.com>
>>>>> Date: Wed, Jan 1, 2025 at 9:44 PM
>>>>> Subject: Unable to download the Tycho 2 Star Catalog
>>>>> To: <kstars-devel at kde.org>
>>>>> Good morning I have downloaded the latest version of K-stars V3.7.3
>>>>> Stable for the Mac OS, and I have been trying to setting it up, and have
>>>>> been downloading the star catalogs however I can not download the Tycho 2
>>>>> Star Catalog amongst others.
>>>>> It says:-  could not install “Tyco-2 Star Catalog”: file not found.
>>>>> I get the same issue with the:-
>>>>> * Tycho-2 Star Catalog
>>>>> *  Inline thumbnail images
>>>>> * NGC images displayed in the details
>>>>> * IC Images displayed in the detail
>>>>> * Common images displayed in the detail
>>>>> Can you help with this please.
>>>>> Steven Hutchings
>>>>> 15 Godwyn Road
>>>>> Deal
>>>>> Kent
>>>>> CT14 6QW
>>>>> 07811219094
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