Exposure Calculator

joseph.mcgee at sbcglobal.net joseph.mcgee at sbcglobal.net
Fri May 19 23:48:04 BST 2023

Hi Warren,

Thanks for the clarification.

The documentation I will be providing on the calculator does address 
some of these issues with regard to both short exposures, and large 
stacks and the conversely extremely long exposures. Part of this was 
covered in the pdf I sent in response to Hy's email.

The tool does have an input that can be used in cases where the 
resulting exposure time produced is an extreme value. (Hy had discovered 
this in his tests).  The noise increase % effects a bias in the 
calculation between light pollution electrons and read-noise electrons. 
An adjustment to the value will effect the calculated exposure time, and 
consequently the stack size.  The default value of 5% was from one of Dr 
Glover's presentations.  (I need to review his presentation to find what 
influenced his selection of this 5% value.)

In response to Hy's email I had suggested that he try lowering gain 
along with a less severe lowering of the noise increase %. This is 
because I'm not certain about whether large changes to the input for the 
noise increase % would be steering the calculation away from a real 
optimal value.  I suspect that they would.

If a user wishes to avoid a large stack of short exposures, and favor 
longer exposures they can lower the noise increase %. The value cannot 
be set to 0 because it is a divisor in part of the calculation. But I 
established the lower limit at 0.05.

The effect of the noise increase value is predictable with regard to the 
exposure time and stack size.  It is a direct inverse relationship to 
sub-exposure time, so halving the noise increase % should double the 
exposure time, and it is therefore a direct relationship to the number 
of exposures in a stack for a given planned session; halving the noise 
increase % should halve the count of exposures in a stack.

But as I said, I'm just not certain whether such a change to this input 
is really appropriate.  It seems to me that this might be defeating the 
purpose of the "optimal" concept of the calculator.

So in the case that Hy provided, the calculator can be biased to produce 
longer exposures. Using an input of 0.25% for noise increase would have 
brought his sub-exposure up to more than 4 minutes, and lowered the 
stack size for 11 planned hours down to just 160 images. The value can 
be taken to an extreme and force the calculation up past a 20 minute 
sub-exposure by setting the noise increase % down to 0.05.

But wouldn't such changes just be saying let the light-pollution 
over-whelm my signal much more than read-noise?  Would we still call 
this result an "optimal" exposure?

So we should probably accept the fact that "optimal" might not be easily 
achievable, and compromises may be necessary.

If large reductions are used to the input for noise increase % to raise 
exposure time, then the result is a compromise, probably due to other 
concerns like storage capacity and post-processing time.

If large increases are needed to the input for noise increase % to lower 
exposure time, then the result is a compromise, probably due to other 
concerns like guiding issues, weather, and satellite or air traffic.

On 5/19/23 11:44, Warren wrote:
> Hey Joseph,
> Dr. Glover's presentation was not wrong in any way at all -- it was 
> all factual, empirical stuff that we can all agree on.
> On the other hand, I think it was incomplete. He ends his presentation 
> by saying that there's a point where shorter subs start to 
> significantly hurt you, while longer subs provide almost no benefit. 
> Speaking strictly from an SNR perspective, he's right, but he fails to 
> mention any of the practical downsides of short exposures.
> On the one hand, very short exposures are great. You can 
> eliminate small passing clouds, moments of atmospheric turbulence, 
> wind gusts that jiggle the telescope, etc. in the most surgical way, 
> eliminating only the smallest amount of bad data. In the limit, 
> shooting shorter and shorter subs is called "lucky imaging," and it's 
> frequently used with planetary observation.
> There is a huge downside to taking a billion 1 second exposures, 
> though -- you'll fill up your storage, and your computer will melt, 
> but you'll probably achieve essentially the same result as you would 
> with a more modest number of 2 or 5 minute exposures.
> There are also workflow considerations. It's much easier to build a 
> dark and bias library for a small number of standard exposure 
> durations, instead of painstakingly customizing darks and bias frames 
> for every target and sky condition.
> For typical astrophotographers in urban and suburban environments with 
> modern low-noise cameras, it's true that subs longer than 5-10 seconds 
> cease to provide any real benefit in terms of SNR, but there are 
> typically more urgent practical considerations, e.g. the size of your 
> datasets and the time required to process them.
> You could say that we are lucky to live in a time where hobbyist 
> cameras are so good that 5 second exposures are sufficient to swamp 
> the read noise. That doesn't mean we should shoot 5 second exposures 
> -- it means we should luxuriate in the flexibility we now have to 
> choose exposure durations of almost any length which suits our 
> workflow, our weather conditions, and our mount and guiding capabilities.
> On Fri, May 19, 2023 at 10:42 AM joseph.mcgee at sbcglobal.net 
> <joseph.mcgee at sbcglobal.net> wrote:
>     Thanks for the feedback Warren,
>     I'm a little unclear on your concern about the usefulness of the
>     calculator.  But a large part of Dr Glover's presentations seems
>     to be directed to getting astro-photographers to consider using
>     shorter sub-exposures and larger stacks.
>     If you believe this to be incorrect, or less than "optimal", maybe
>     we can work together to come up with an alternate user-selectable
>     calculation model that can be added to this tool.  I would just
>     need this to be described in such a way that I can implement.
>     I'd also be curious to see if folks would run this calculator to
>     compare their experiences.
>     Here's a process that might be helpful to determine the value of
>     the calculator.
>     Pick one of your images, or just a channel used in an image that
>     you consider to be good quality.
>     Set up the calculator with equipment, the conditions and the gain
>     setting that you used for the imaging.
>     Try to adjust the noise increase % so that calculator exposure
>     time is close to the sub-exposure that you used for the image. (It
>     might be tough to get a perfect match, close is good enough).
>     How where did the noise increase % value end up?  Very far from
>     the default 5%?
>     Look at the stack grid to find the closest exposure count to what
>     you used in the stack.  What is the Ratio on that line?
>     ---
>     So here's a long description and details from my learning
>     experience a few years ago that lead to my research into
>     sub-exposure calculations.  (Keep in mind that I still consider
>     myself to be very much a novice in this hobby.)
>     As I was first learning in my backyard using a one shot color
>     ASI-071MC, with an f/5.5 refractor. (I typically set the camera
>     gain at 50). I tried imaging at the 3 to 4 minute exposure times
>     that I saw recommended on forums. The results were awful, and very
>     noisy.  I then purchased both a multi-band filter (Optolong
>     l-Enhance for nebulae) and a light pollution filter (Optolong
>     l-Pro for galaxies). But even after weeks of trial and error, I
>     found that using the l-Pro filter for example, I still had to
>     reduce my exposure times to about 60 seconds with no moon, and
>     about 30 seconds with a 1/2 moon.  In these conditions, to get an
>     image that I considered acceptable required about 6 hours for the
>     stack.
>     There's a darker site in the mountains about 90 minutes drive from
>     my home. I only make that trip around a new moon.  My trial and
>     error process there included exposures up to 10 minutes, but even
>     at 5 to 6 minute subs there was excess noise.  I settled on
>     exposures that were 3 to 4 minutes;  and I could get a result that
>     was good enough to show to my friends and family, on a stack with
>     just 2 to 3 hours of imaging.
>     This experience triggered the research which lead me to Dr
>     Glover's presentations. I used Dr Glover's equations initially on
>     spreadsheet and later in a Java app. The sub-exposure time from
>     those computations matched my experience fairly closely.
>     I've since measured the SQM in my backyard on a new moon night as
>     19.3, and about 18.5 with a half moon.  So lets look at what the
>     calculation says for these conditions using the l-Pro filter (I
>     estimate that the l-Pro is passing about 165nm), and I'm leaving
>     the noise increase % at the default 5% recommended by Dr Glover:
>     In my backyard with a new moon, the calculated exposure is 69
>     seconds; just slightly higher than the 60 seconds I found with
>     trial and error in these conditions.
>     Back then I was still employed with limited available time, so I
>     had been limiting my stacks to what I could get in a single
>     night.  With 6 hours of imaging the calculator shows a ratio
>     (quality) of about 80.  That a ratio of 80 was good enough for me
>     to share with my friends and family.  But in looking at the
>     stacking data I see that the quality is still climbing well; going
>     to a 7th hour would improve the quality by 8%, that might have
>     have been worth doing.
>     But at some point we have to weigh the cost in time vs benefits of
>     longer stacks.  The quality improvement at 20 to 21 hours is not
>     so great; the gain in quality would only be 2.4% for that added
>     hour, and it would be a stack of nearly 1100 images.
>     Then with a half-moon in my backyard: the calculated exposure
>     matches the 30 seconds that I found I needed with trial and error.
>     But to be honest I was never able to get a very good galaxy image
>     around a half-moon from my backyard. But now it's clear from the
>     calculator that I would need about 14 hours in these conditions to
>     reach a ratio of just 80.
>     Now at the darker site near my home, (I've not yet measured the
>     SQM at this site, but a light pollution map says it is 20.5):
>     The calculation shows a sub-exposure of 221 seconds, that is right
>     in the middle of the 3 to 4 minute range I found with trial and
>     error.  And with just 3 hours stacking the ratio (quality) shows
>     101.   I was really happy with images from that site with just 3
>     hours of stacking.
>     So let's run one more calculation for a very dark sky, SQM 21.96
>     right on the margin of Bortle 1 & 2.
>     I have not yet experienced such a site, so I cannot make any
>     comments about the calculator's result. But it is showing an
>     optimal sub-exposure of about 14 minutes. It also shows that a
>     stack of just 1 hour, (5 exposures), would easily exceed the
>     quality that I find acceptable to share with my friends and family.
>     I also think it's very interesting to see that quality improvement
>     of adding just a second hour in these conditions; a 34%
>     improvement in quality to go from 1 to 2 hours of imaging in these
>     conditions!  But the diminishing improvements of larger stack are
>     still evident; at the 20 to 21 hour time-frame the quality
>     improvement is only 2.2%, (but that is at a ratio of over 500, so
>     it mat not be possible to recognize any noise in this image).
>     On 5/18/23 13:28, Warren wrote:
>>     I think a fundamental problem with this approach is that it tells
>>     you the *minimum* acceptable exposure duration, which is long
>>     enough for some other noise source (likely skyglow) to greatly
>>     exceed your sensor’s read noise.
>>     This is useful information, but mostly when you’re shooting from
>>     a Bortle 1-2, where your sensor’s read noise is potentially the
>>     limiting noise source — where 60 minute narrowband subs make sense.
>>     For folks in urban and suburban environments, with modern
>>     low-noise cameras, any realistic exposure duration (e.g. 60-300
>>     seconds) is sufficient for skyglow shot noise to greatly exceed
>>     sensor read noise.
>>     On Wed, May 17, 2023 at 10:55 PM Hy Murveit <murveit at gmail.com>
>>     wrote:
>>         Joseph,
>>         Thanks so much for getting the exposure calculator up and
>>         running in KStars. Impressive accomplishment!
>>         I just tried using it, and have some questions/comments I was
>>         hoping you could address.
>>         Here's a screenshot, with questions below:
>>         Screenshot 2023-05-17 at 10.13.06 PM.png
>>           * I think I filled in the boxes appropriately above, though
>>             not sure, please let me know. I tried these values: sky
>>             quality 19 (about what I've measured at my house), f/8
>>             reflector, full bandwidth (300nm), my ZWO ASI1600mm
>>             camera at gain 75 (I assume it wants the gain I use for
>>             the 1600, but I tried other values too), 20 total hours
>>             of exposure time desired, default noise increase of 5%.
>>             It seems to be telling me to take 5956 images each 12.09
>>             seconds long, which is obviously not a good answer. Am I
>>             doing something wrong?
>>           * Not sure what Stack Time, Stack Noise, and Ratio mean.
>>             Are shot noise and total noise in electrons? (Need
>>             tooltips to help)
>>           * I was able to get it to give me a reasonable exposure
>>             time (e.g. about a 2-minutes) if I set Noise Increase %
>>             to 0.4, but I really didn't know what to put in there,
>>             and so used the default was 5%. Do you know, is 5% a good
>>             default for the noise increase? Can we give more guidance
>>             on what noise increase people should start with?
>>           * The tool needs better tooltips for pretty much each value
>>             that needs to be entered. Most  tooltips say "An
>>             implementation of Dr Robin Glover's exposure
>>             calculation." We can give credit elsewhere (e.g. usually
>>             done in "About KStars"), but the tooltips should be
>>             informative. For instance, is gain the actual gain values
>>             one enters for the camera, or do you mean something like
>>             quantum efficiency? Assuming it's the value entered to
>>             the camera's driver, you should say that "Gain value used
>>             for your camera". Filter Bandwidth should include units
>>             (e.g. nm in this case.).
>>           * Don't need 3 decimal places for Sky Quality (make it one
>>             or two decimals). Ditto for focal ratio.
>>           * Is there some documentation on use somewhere? E.g. can a
>>             section be added to the handbook? Also, please start a
>>             forum thread describing this new tool and how you
>>             recommend users use it.
>>         Thanks again,
>>         Hy
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