3.6.1 testing bugs

Hy Murveit murveit at gmail.com
Sat Sep 17 06:17:33 BST 2022

I'm testing with HEAD plus MR
https://invent.kde.org/education/kstars/-/merge_requests/742 (which should
only affect Dark Guiding).

1) Guiding with scheduler gets suspended right away and never restarts.
I've tracked that issue down to this line,
that line makes sure the exposure isn't a Light frame, and yet all I'm
capturing are Light frames. Perhaps the getFrameType() is not set up yet? I
commented out those lines, restarted, and guiding no longer gets suspended.
I am leaving finding the underlying issue to you folks. This is a
show-stopper for internal guiding.

2) My guiding exposure gets reset to 1s on restart, even though I've set 5s
several times. I can check again, but it has happened several times.
Doesn't consistently happen, though.

3)  Polar alignment in refresh mode with the plate-solve scheme never
refreshes.  The move-star scheme works. *I discovered that the refresh
algorithm-choice parameter is not being set anywhere. It can't have always
been this way...in any event, I've written *
https://invent.kde.org/education/kstars/-/merge_requests/743* to fix it.
Seems to work now in the simulator.*

4) When I first started, all tabs had many things disabled. I needed to
change trains, then change them back to get things working. After that, on
restarts, things worked. I'm guessing there's a stored parameter that isn't
initialized at first. This happened on the simulator too. Leaving for you
folks to debug.

5) I suspect the guide tab is defaulting to the Primary train (it should
default to Secondary).

With the fixes MR 742 and the lines commented out as described in #1 above,
I am currently successfully running a scheduler job. It has autofocused,
aligned, guided with dithering, dark guiding, ...
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