debugging instructions

Hy Murveit murveit at
Tue Apr 5 03:54:23 BST 2022


I believe there are rare but often-enough memory issues when running
I can't track it down, so I created this test to help us debug it.

If you have time, could you take a look?

I've create a branch with a test which runs stellarsolver star detection in
3 parallel threads
(if you uncomment some code, a 4th thread with a solver will run too).

To run this, you need to also download some data that it points to:
See the google drive folder:
Download those files into some directory on your machine.

You'd then edit near the end of kstars/Tests/fitsviewer/testfitsdata.cpp at
the start of the test testParallelSolvers and change the directory there
where you've put the files from my drive folder.

Then you can compile testfitsdata and run it as:
bin/testfitsdata testParallelSolvers

It will detect stars for 3 sets of data.

   - 200 guider files in thread 1
   - 200 more guider files in thread 2
   - 30 subs in thread3
   - (commented out) 30 guider files using the solver

It takes a minute or two.

If I run this a few times, I usually get some kind of memory corruption
error. Can't seem to figure it out yet, though. I've compiled with the
latest KStars, stellarsolver and indi-core.

Here's an example of one run that failed:

> bin/testfitsdata testParallelSolvers
********* Start testing of TestFitsData *********
Config: Using QtTest library 5.12.8, Qt 5.12.8 (x86_64-little_endian-lp64
shared (dynamic) release build; by GCC 9.3.0)
PASS   : TestFitsData::initTestCase()
QINFO  : TestFitsData::testParallelSolvers() org.kde.kstars.fits: Loading
file  "/home/hy/Desktop/SharedFolder/DEBUG-solver/guide_frame_00-20-08.fits"
QINFO  : TestFitsData::testParallelSolvers() org.kde.kstars.fits: Loading
file  "/home/hy/Desktop/SharedFolder/DEBUG-solver/guide_frame_00-20-30.fits"
QINFO  : TestFitsData::testParallelSolvers() org.kde.kstars.fits: Loading
Found one coordinate representation.
Found one coordinate representation.
QINFO  : TestFitsData::testParallelSolvers() "#0:
/home/hy/Desktop/SharedFolder/DEBUG-solver/guide_frame_00-20-08.fits HFR
QINFO  : TestFitsData::testParallelSolvers() org.kde.kstars.fits: Loading
file  "/home/hy/Desktop/SharedFolder/DEBUG-solver/guide_frame_00-20-12.fits"
QINFO  : TestFitsData::testParallelSolvers() "#0:
/home/hy/Desktop/SharedFolder/DEBUG-solver/guide_frame_00-20-30.fits HFR
QINFO  : TestFitsData::testParallelSolvers() org.kde.kstars.fits: Loading
file  "/home/hy/Desktop/SharedFolder/DEBUG-solver/guide_frame_00-20-34.fits"
QINFO  : TestFitsData::testParallelSolvers() org.kde.kstars.fits: Loading
file  "/home/hy/Desktop/SharedFolder/DEBUG-solver/guide_frame_00-20-46.fits"
Found one coordinate representation.
Found one coordinate representation.
QINFO  : TestFitsData::testParallelSolvers() "#102:
/home/hy/Desktop/SharedFolder/DEBUG-solver/guide_frame_00-20-21.fits HFR
QINFO  : TestFitsData::testParallelSolvers() org.kde.kstars.fits: Loading
file  "/home/hy/Desktop/SharedFolder/DEBUG-solver/guide_frame_00-20-24.fits"
QINFO  : TestFitsData::testParallelSolvers() "#101:
/home/hy/Desktop/SharedFolder/DEBUG-solver/guide_frame_00-20-46.fits HFR
QINFO  : TestFitsData::testParallelSolvers() org.kde.kstars.fits: Loading
file  "/home/hy/Desktop/SharedFolder/DEBUG-solver/guide_frame_00-20-30.fits"
Found one coordinate representation.
corrupted size vs. prev_size
Found 0 coordinate representations.
Aborted (core dumped)
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