Unable to seach on small stars.

Valentin Boettcher hiro at protagon.space
Fri Nov 26 18:16:28 GMT 2021

On 11/26/21 16:44, Patrick Molenaar wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like to search for a specific star. In KStars I have installed 
> the star catalog up to magnitude 12.5. When I search for a faint star, 
> e.g. HD 5897 (in Andromeda), then the search dialog will not find it. 
> Though the star is displayed in KStars. And when I right click the star 
> it shows me its information (name, magnitude, constellation, rise, 
> transit and set times etc.).
> Is this a known issue, or is my database somehow corrupted 🙁.
> Currently I manually search for the stars and mark them with a flag. 
> Then when creating a schedule, I can center the flagged object in the 
> center of my screen and let the scheduler get the coordinates of the 
> centered object. But this is quite a work around, while finding the star 
> directly is much faster.
> I am looking forward to a reply.
> Kind regards,
> Patrick


The reason for your inability to search for these stars is that they are 
not necessarily in memory all the time. The search dialog assumes that 
there is a list of all objects in memory through which it can search. I 
encountered the same problem when I did my DSO overhaul in KStars. A 
similar hack may be implemented for faint stars...


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