KStars 3.5.4 release plan

Valentin Boettcher hiro at protagon.space
Thu Jun 24 09:04:48 BST 2021

As a side benefit, this would give the DSO overhaul some more time to mature a little (although I hope that the nasty bugs have been fixed by now :) and I could finish the handbook :).


23 Jun 2021 14:08:15 Wolfgang Reissenberger <sterne-jaeger at openfuture.de>:

> Valid point, Eric!
> Would it make sense that we postpone the release date 1-2 weeks after releasing INDI 1.9.1?
> Wolfgang
>> Am 23.06.2021 um 14:03 schrieb Eric Dejouhanet <eric.dejouhanet at gmail.com>:
>> Hello,
>> I need to say that none of the recent MRs were validated by CI because of INDI v1.9.0. So to me leaving the codebase unverified is a risk.
>> I'd like to merge the KSPaths-related MR too, this is important. Each other MR merged breaks the rebase of that MR, so the sooner we can complete it the better for me.
>> I've also seen again the lock-up when disconnecting indiserver reappearing (when you click disconnect then stop in the Ekos manager). Happens either manually or when Scheduler finishes the session. CI would have spotted this I think. 
>> -Eric 
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