KStars Handbook
ken.kgself at gmail.com
Wed Apr 7 22:13:03 BST 2021
I did not submit any changes yet. Jon and I agreed that structural
changes were needed as well as some guidelines around the writing style.
I have made quite a lot of progress along those lines but due to the
size of the changes I need a sounding board to review what I have done
before publishing and going further. Jon and I had been doing that
before he became ill.
I have pushed my changes to my github repo.
Branch "handbook"
I am just editing the XML directly. Its a bit painful but it works.
On 8/04/2021 4:47 am, Hy Murveit wrote:
> I had a few questions about the KStars Handbook.
> *Background and Thanks:*
> I had thought that it was not being updated for some technical reason,
> but then Patrick pointed out that it is now being updated again.
> Thanks very much to whomever fixed that!
> I guess the right url for the handbook is
> https://docs.kde.org/trunk5/en/kstars/kstars/
> <https://www.google.com/url?q=https://docs.kde.org/trunk5/en/kstars/kstars/&sa=D&source=hangouts&ust=1617906089755000&usg=AFQjCNGURcHRDD63hLFKV2Nv3b5hfpbHCA> and
> that it was updated on 3/11/2021. How often is it updated from source?
> Yuri: I saw you added a section on the terrain feature. Thanks!!
> *Questions:*
> I'm curious who is currently working on it. Is there a "Handbook leader"?
> Yuri: Are you "in charge"? Are you actively modifying things, or
> planning on writing sections or organizing more?
> Ken: I know Ken was looking at updating things, but I don't know if
> you (Ken) submitted changes, or what. If you have, what are your
> thoughts/progress?
> I also think that at a high level, Ekos could be emphasized more. For
> example, on the first table-of-contents page, Ekos should rise to the
> top level (and, for example be "6. Ekos") and the top paragraph could
> be broken in 2, etc etc.
> Should someone who has the time go through it, and re-organize? Is
> this already happening? (I'm not volunteering, but would be excited to
> see it happen, and would be happy to do sections, especially for the
> parts of Ekos/KStars I've modified the past couple years).
> Is there a WYSIWYG docbook editor that people use, or do people just
> edit the XML?
> Hy
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