KStars v3.5.0 Release Date?
Hy Murveit
murveit at gmail.com
Fri Oct 16 05:36:00 BST 2020
OK, you knew this would happen 10 minutes after I sent that...
log-odds ratio 0.69992 (2.01359), 0 match, 0 conflict, 0 distractors, 17
RA,Dec = (309.748,70.6162), pixel scale 4.38547 arcsec/pix.
log-odds ratio 0.69992 (2.01359), 0 match, 0 conflict, 0 distractors, 17
RA,Dec = (309.748,70.6162), pixel scale 4.38547 arcsec/pix.
log-odds ratio 6.76328 (865.472), 0 match, 0 conflict, 0 distractors, 14
RA,Dec = (327.788,50.727), pixel scale 4.50653 arcsec/pix.
log-odds ratio 6.76328 (865.472), 0 match, 0 conflict, 0 distractors, 14
RA,Dec = (327.788,50.727), pixel scale 4.50653 arcsec/pix.
log-odds ratio 53.7431 (2.18938e+23), 18 match, 0 conflict, 100
distractors, 37 index.
RA,Dec = (325.28,58.0466), pixel scale 3.97665 arcsec/pix.
Hit/miss: Hit/miss:
Segmentation fault
It's hard to say what caused it, but if I had to guess, I'd say it was run
out of memory.
It happened during a meridian flip, and perhaps StellarSolver is too greedy
with memory.
I'll uncheck that load all indexes flag and continue.
On Thu, Oct 15, 2020 at 9:23 PM Hy Murveit <murveit at gmail.com> wrote:
> Some good news.
> Tonight, for the first time, I was able to start up the latest (built from
> latest source as of an hour before I wrote this) KStars and StellarSolver
> on my RPi4, without issues (so far).
> I've polar aligned, plate solved, focused, guiding, ... and so far all
> good. I have never been able to get to this point with this new software,
> so there's definitely been progress.
> Still need to bang on it for several nights, I'm sure, but thanks for the
> hard work!
> FWIW, I am not using any of the safeguards I was asked to put in (e.g. I
> have "Use Scale" and "Load All Indexes In Memory" both checked).
> Hy
> On Wed, Oct 14, 2020 at 12:35 PM Hy Murveit <murveit at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Rob,
>> Thanks for your hard work on this!
>> As we discussed privately, I have been unable to get plate-solving to
>> work with the internal StellarSolver on my RPi4.
>> Do you think this is unique to me--that is, have others been able to do
>> so? If this a general problem, then I think Oct 22 is too aggressive a
>> release target, as we should give our advanced users at least a few weeks
>> of using the software more-or-less successfully on their target
>> environments. If this is something specific to me, but others are
>> successfully plate-solving on RPi's, then perhaps I'm over-reacting.
>> FWIW, I just tried to send the full bug report I sent you out to this
>> devel list, but it got blocked (I guess one of my screenshots was too
>> large).
>> Hopefully the moderator will accept my thread soon, and it will be
>> available to all.
>> Until that happens, where should we post bugs related to 3.5.0? This
>> thread? New threads on kstars-devel?
>> Again, I want to emphasize that this is a huge undertaking and I
>> really appreciate the effort,
>> Hy
>> On Wed, Oct 14, 2020 at 5:47 AM Robert Lancaster <rlancaste at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hey guys,
>>> I also agree 100%, we are not ready by Oct. 15th. There are still
>>> several loose ends that need to be tied up on my end, as well as writing up
>>> documentation for how to use StellarSolver. Since it is a major release of
>>> KStars (3.5.0 vs 4.4.4), I think major changes in the UI and the functions
>>> are perfectly fine, but I agree we don’t want to change everything on the
>>> user without warning, so we need time to write up documentation and make
>>> sure everything is clear and simple for the user to use. So please let me
>>> know what is confusing so that we can try to improve that. As for your
>>> suggestion that we allow the old code to work during a transition period,
>>> the issue with that is that the old code is not compatible really. But
>>> that doesn’t mean that we couldn’t make the UI in the Align module *LOOK*
>>> like it used to with the combo boxes in align. I put the options for which
>>> source extraction method, which solving method, and which profile to use
>>> inside the Options dialog because I thought people would access them less
>>> often than the other settings in the align module and I also want those to
>>> be available if we plate solve in other places in KStars. But we could
>>> also put those same options at the bottom in the align module as well,
>>> which would make it look close to what it used to look like. There is no
>>> reason they couldn’t be in both places. It might lead to a better
>>> transition.
>>> On that note I also agree that we weren’t really ready to put all this
>>> in KStars master right away, especially because people rely on the master
>>> branch of the repo for nightly builds, and we needed to test it thoroughly
>>> before integrating it. I was hoping for more of a testing time period
>>> where people could test this on my fork or maybe in a different branch in
>>> the main repo and we could have a nice discussion about how to improve it
>>> before putting it in the official KStars Master repo. But, let's not be
>>> too hard on Jasem for that, he is a great guy and works incredibly hard to
>>> support KStars and INDI and us. It has caused a little more pressure on
>>> me to fix all these problems and get it all integrated, and maybe that was
>>> a good thing, because I had mostly finished StellarSolver back in June, and
>>> I was not integrating it into KStars very fast at all. This has pretty
>>> much lit a fire under me to get it done. We already did complain to him
>>> about putting it in the main repo so quickly, but it really has worked to
>>> get things up and running. So instead of focusing on that, now that its
>>> done, let's work really hard to polish everything up and get it ready for
>>> release. I think we could be on track for a Oct 22nd release. Please keep
>>> testing and I will keep trying to perfect things with StellarSolver and its
>>> integration with KStars for the release. And I am sorry if the integration
>>> has caused anybody any issues because it wasn’t ready yet.
>>> Thank you very much,
>>> Rob
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