Resetting GitLab Fork

Hans hans at
Tue Oct 13 22:34:31 BST 2020

Hi Rob,

Robert Lancaster wrote on 20201013:
> I made some changes in my fork yesterday to support load and slew.  I
> committed the changes, sent them to GitLab and sent Jasem a merge request.

Were those changes in your fork on master or did you make a branch to work on ?

> He found a more efficient way to write my method, so he did incorporate my
> changes, but he did it a little differently than in my merge request.

And those changes are now on the master branch in the repo which you forked from.

> So now I need to update my fork to match master again with his changes not
> mine.


> I found a couple of different ways to do it online, and I was able to
> fix my local copy and update it to the upstream master, but most of them say
> to do the command "git push origin master —force” at the end to send my
> changes to the fork on GitLab, but this didn’t work, it rejected it.

I do not like the force part in there.

> The other day I had a very similar problem, so I finally ended up deleting my
> fork and making a new one, but I think there should be a way to do it without
> having to go that far.  Does anyone know how to do this?

I prefer to work in a branch in my fork of the repo, so that I can update the
master branch always clean from the master repo.

Did you solve your problem btw ?

-- Hans

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