Libstellarsolver-dev dependency

Robert Lancaster rlancaste at
Sat Nov 7 17:50:01 GMT 2020

Hi Eric,  I am by no means an expert in this.  Originally I had the library install to the machine's libdir and to /usr/lib because on some systems it wasn’t getting found properly by other programs.  I was using the FindStellarSolver.cmake in kstars which was based on the other ones that were already there.  It used pkgconfig or an alternate method to find the library if that didn’t work.  I used the others as examples since I didn’t know the details on how to do it.  This seemed to work pretty well.  Jasem said that we just needed to install to the libdir and not /usr/lib, so we removed one of the installs.  He then said that there was some kind of craft issue with finding StellarSolver on some windows machines, although I had tested it on Windows and it seemed to work great.  He said that Hannah said that we should be doing it a different “modern” way and not use the FindStellarSolver method that we were using, so he set it up her way, both in KStars and StellarSolver.  Possibly somewhere in those changes it stopped working for some machines.  As far as Jasem and I can tell on our machines it works fine.  If you know what the problem is and know how to fix it, please enlighten us.



> On Nov 7, 2020, at 12:40 PM, Eric Dejouhanet <eric.dejouhanet at> wrote:
>> You have the complete log? The latest libstellarsolver installs
> The log I pasted is the failure of the KStars cmake configuration. It
> is still current as of today.
> The latest libstellarsolver may install that library, but it is indeed
> not put at the right location, and cannot be found.
> This is for arch amd64.
> -- 
> -- eric.dejouhanet at -

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