Questions about the git repo

Jasem Mutlaq mutlaqja at
Sun Jan 12 12:32:02 GMT 2020

Hello Thomas,

1. The build date is whenever the package was built. The tag system is
problematic since old tags were for KDE version, not KStars. So you see a
v3.4.0 tag from 2005! So tags are not used in the KStars release cycle.
2. Were you fetching from anongit or github?
3. Yes we directly work on master. There is CI that builds and informs us
of any issues that occurs in master.

Hope this helps!

Best Regards,
Jasem Mutlaq

On Sun, Jan 12, 2020 at 12:28 PM Thomas Nemer <thomas.nemer at>

> Hello Kstars team!
> I'm actually getting my hands on the code base, and as an exercise I'm
> trying to build the same version as the one from arch linux repo. This way
> I'll be able to compare the repo's version to my own build, be sure my IDE
> is properly configured and that I understood how to build Kstars properly.
> I have a few questions about your git workflow :
>    - I've installed Kstars from arch linux repo, and when I look at the
>    about tab, I can read "v3.3.9 Build: 2020-01-01T21:08:10Z". But when I look
>    to the repo's tag list, I find only old tags, multiple versioning
>    conventions, and no 3.3.9 tag. How do you know which commit was used to
>    build v3.3.9?
>    - I've clone the repo, and I only see the master branch, but on
> I can see lots of branches,
>    how comes I can't fetch those?
>    - I would've expected the master branch to only contain tagged
>    commits, some dev or develop branch to contain non-tagged commits, and
>    feature branches to contain ongoing work. But it seems the master branch is
>    the only one active, do you work directly on the master or is there some
>    mirror repo I don't see on which there's some CI before commits get
>    integrated into the master branch?
> Thanks for your time and work, Have a nice day, Thomas Nemer.
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