Gauging interest in RealSky support

Akarsh Simha akarshsimha at
Sun Jul 21 21:30:55 BST 2019


I'm curious to learn if there is any interest in supporting the offline
POSSI image data from "RealSky" / Astro. Soc. of the Pacific in KStars.
Unfortunately, I believe that sale of this data has been discontinued, so
whoever has it has it. I figured out that Patrick Chevalley from SkyChart
(a.k.a. Cartes du Ciel) has ported the code to read this data to be
cross-platform, and I have been able to get his code successfully compiling
on Linux. I am personally very interested in integrating support for this
into KStars, and am trying to gauge interest.

The simplest way to implement this without bloating up the KStars binary is
to provide a server that one can run locally that can respond to a query in
the same format as, and then pointing KStars to query
from localhost instead of from

PS: Now that I am no longer a student but an employee of the software
industry, for statutory reasons, I wish to explicitly clarify that all my
involvement in KStars / KDE for the foreseeable future is personal in
nature, done in my personal time, using my personal devices and has no
connection whatsoever with my employment.
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