[kstars] kstars/skyobjects: Fix inaccurate positions of asteroids, comets, and other solar system bodies. There were problem in multiple places, but the Earth ecliptic longitude from VSOP87 was not accurate. Valentin submitted improved Earth VSOP87 files with better accuracy which resolved the earth problem. Next, I made a few fixes to the asteroid class and now the solar system bodies positions are more accurate and very close to JPL Horizons results. Please double check and let me know if there are any major problems now.

Jasem Mutlaq null at kde.org
Thu Sep 7 12:59:59 UTC 2017

Git commit d758bd02ca07ed6cb72c7ba8e23cc9e7377ab0b4 by Jasem Mutlaq.
Committed on 07/09/2017 at 12:55.
Pushed by mutlaqja into branch 'master'.

Fix inaccurate positions of asteroids, comets, and other solar system bodies. There were problem in multiple places, but the Earth ecliptic longitude from VSOP87 was not accurate. Valentin submitted improved Earth VSOP87 files with better accuracy which resolved the earth problem. Next, I made a few fixes to the asteroid class and now the solar system bodies positions are more accurate and very close to JPL Horizons results. Please double check and let me know if there are any major problems now.

BUGS: 384276
CCMAIL:kstars-devel at kde.org

M  +15   -5    kstars/skyobjects/ksasteroid.cpp


diff --git a/kstars/skyobjects/ksasteroid.cpp b/kstars/skyobjects/ksasteroid.cpp
index 67648dab7..4f3883f09 100644
--- a/kstars/skyobjects/ksasteroid.cpp
+++ b/kstars/skyobjects/ksasteroid.cpp
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ KSAsteroid::KSAsteroid(int _catN, const QString &s, const QString &imfile, long
     : KSPlanetBase(s, imfile), catN(_catN), JD(_JD), a(_a), e(_e), i(_i), w(_w), M(_M), N(_Node), H(_H), G(_G)
     //Compute the orbital Period from Kepler's 3rd law:
     P = 365.2568984 * pow(a, 1.5); //period in days
@@ -43,7 +44,9 @@ bool KSAsteroid::findGeocentricPosition(const KSNumbers *num, const KSPlanetBase
     //determine the mean anomaly for the desired date.  This is the mean anomaly for the
     //ephemeis epoch, plus the number of days between the desired date and ephemeris epoch,
     //times the asteroid's mean daily motion (360/P):
-    dms m = dms(double(M.Degrees() + (num->julianDay() - JD) * 360.0 / P)).reduce();
+    lastPrecessJD = num->julianDay();
+    dms m = dms(double(M.Degrees() + (lastPrecessJD - JD) * 360.0 / P)).reduce();
     double sinm, cosm;
     m.SinCos(sinm, cosm);
@@ -78,12 +81,17 @@ bool KSAsteroid::findGeocentricPosition(const KSNumbers *num, const KSPlanetBase
     double r = sqrt(xv * xv + yv * yv);
     //vw is the sum of the true anomaly and the argument of perihelion
-    dms vw(v + w.Degrees()); // Note: MPC gives us the J2000.0 argument of perihelion, so the true anomaly is referenced to J2000.0
+    dms vw(v + w.Degrees());
     double sinN, cosN, sinvw, cosvw, sini, cosi;
-    N.SinCos(sinN, cosN); // N is presumably the longitude of the ascending node, referenced to J2000
+    //Precess the longitude of the Ascending Node to the desired epoch
+    // i, w, and N are supplied in J2000 Epoch from JPL
+    // http://astro.if.ufrgs.br/trigesf/position.html#16
+    //dms n = dms(double(N.Degrees() - 3.82394E-5 * (lastPrecessJD - J2000))).reduce();
+    N.SinCos(sinN, cosN);
     vw.SinCos(sinvw, cosvw);
-    i.SinCos(sini, cosi); // i is the inclination referenced to J2000
+    i.SinCos(sini, cosi);
     //xh, yh, zh are the heliocentric cartesian coords with the ecliptic plane congruent with zh=0.
     double xh = r * (cosN * cosvw - sinN * sinvw * cosi);
@@ -95,6 +103,7 @@ bool KSAsteroid::findGeocentricPosition(const KSNumbers *num, const KSPlanetBase
     double ELatRad  = atan2(zh, r);
+    helEcPos.longitude.reduceToRange(dms::ZERO_TO_2PI);
@@ -117,10 +126,11 @@ bool KSAsteroid::findGeocentricPosition(const KSNumbers *num, const KSPlanetBase
     //the spherical geocentricecliptic coordinates:
     ELongRad  = atan2(yh, xh);
-    double rr = sqrt(xh * xh + yh * yh + zh * zh);
+    double rr = sqrt(xh * xh + yh * yh);
     ELatRad   = atan2(zh, rr);
+    ep.longitude.reduceToRange(dms::ZERO_TO_2PI);
     if (Earth)

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