Suggestion for addition of a new Data Update menu item.

Akarsh Simha akarshsimha at
Thu Sep 29 05:42:14 UTC 2016

Dear Dan

I'm sorry I missed your e-mail because it had gone into my spam, hence
my late reply.

I don't quite understand the problem. Is it that the TLEs are updated
every hour? Or is it that the position calculation performed by KStars
is inaccurate? I would first suggest finding out if there is a
systematic deviation of the RA/Dec predicted by KStars and the results

Also, the CGI web interface seems to be hard to script. The telnet
interface might be easier.

I still don't have a comprehensive understanding of what you want to
suggest how it might be accomplished. Could you guide me through an
example of what the problem is and what the system should achieve?


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